22 Lyric ln, Maylands,
Western Australia
Ph: 0466 655 118

Opening Hours
Wednesday & Thursday 4pm - 10:30pm
Friday & Saturday Midday - Midnight
Sunday Midday - 10:30pm
Closed Public Holidays

Lyric Lane's
The Vinyl Countdown
Do you have a passion for vinyl records or consider yourself an enthusiast? This event is for you!
The Vinyl Countdown offers a unique experience for music fans! Enjoy a night out listening to your favourite songs - for free!
All you need to do is come down and if you have a favourite LP record, bring that too.
Enjoy a night of nostalgia and music with your friends and family.
Our fortnightly LP record night where we bring out the turntable and let you, our lovely patrons, choose what vinyl is played.
BYO LP records welcome
Want to be a host, put your name down
Yes, this is a free event
If you’re interested in hosting please contact us or swing by and say hi.

The following Conditions apply to Vinyl Countdown evenings at Lyric’s:
Free entry to all
Evenings will generally be hosted with discretion over play list and order.
Host for evening receives a $50 bar tab
Host may allocate minimum of 8 album sides to themselves
Patrons may play their album sides with priority to bookings nominating albums
Booking at https://www.lyriclane.com.au/bookingsandfunctions
Only music LPs will be considered which are to be played from start to finish
Offensive albums must not be played and is responsibility of owner
Management reserves right to filter selection but is not responsible for content
No replays permitted on the night
Record owner may request self or host to spin record
Operators to read operating instruction of turntable and only operate in accordance with those instructions
No drinks permitted near turntable station
Operators must be deemed clearly sober by management
Lyric’s take no responsibility for damage to any record
No “DJ styled” record manipulation
Negligent damage to TT responsibility of operator
Patrons be over 18-years unless accompanied by adult
Operating Instructions
Operation must be in accordance with the manufacturers manual https://docs.audio-technica.com/us/at_lp1240_usb_um_169502080_3l_v1_web_180109.pdf
Tracking force and anti-skate has been set to suit cartridge … do not adjust.
Platter Start and Brake speed have been set at about 0.5 seconds.
Pitch will be set at 0% and may be adjusted to suit operator but must be returned to 0% at end of use for next operator. If you don’t understand, don’t touch it.
Only place LP on platter when it is stationary.
Press the start/stop button
Ensure lock on the tonearm is off
Ensure volume is low
Lift tonearm with the tonearm lift control lever
Position the tonearm over the desired start position on the LP
Lower the tonearm using the tonearm lift control lever to commence play
Adjust volume appropriately
When stopping, lower volume, lift tonearm with the tonearm lift control lever and place tonearm onto it’s rest
Press start/stop button and remove LP when platter is stationary